Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2008

Lettland: Geheimpolizei verhaftet Uni-Dozenten wegen dessen Pessimismus in Bezug auf Wirtschaft Lettlands

(Via Fefes Blog) How to Combat a Banking Crisis: First, Round Up the Pessimists (The Wall Street Journal)

Der lettische Geheimdienst nimmt einen lettischen Uni-Dozenten zwei Tage lang in Haft, weil dieser öffentlich darauf hinwies, dass die wirtschaftliche Lage lettischer Banken nicht rosig sei.


"All I did was say what everyone knows," says Dmitrijs Smirnovs, a 32-year-old university lecturer detained by Latvia's Security Police. [...]

Now free after two days of questioning, Mr. Smirnovs hasn't been charged. But he is still under investigation for bad-mouthing the stability of Latvia's banks and the national currency, the lat. Investigators suspect him of spreading "untruthful information." They've ordered him not to leave the country and seized his computer. (Quelle:

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