EU plans giant IT network for 'freedom, security and justice': Will allow 'full exploitation of citizens, ahem... synergies' (The Register)
The Commission has put together a legislative package "to establish a Regulatory Agency responsible for the long-term operational management of the second-generation Schengen Information System (SIS II), Visa Information System (VIS) and EURODAC". [...]
All three systems might be expected to spark concerns from even mildly wary civil liberties types, even in their standalone versions.
However, it has now occurred to Brussels that the current situation "does not allow the full exploitation of the synergies between these systems and results in higher costs, less efficiency and overlaps" [...]. (Quelle:
Da sollen also auf EU-Ebene in einer Behörde Daten aus drei Datenbanksystemen in einer neuen Datenbank zusammengeführt werden. All diese Datenbanken enthalten empfindliche Informationen über EU-Bürger und Nicht-EU-Bürger. Mit dem Zusammenführen dieser Datenbanken wird es ein Leichtes sein für die EU-Regierungen, die Bürger noch umfangreicher zu überwachen.
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