Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

Kanada: Terrorverschwörung nur vom Geheimdienst initiiert?

(Via Fefe) RCMP agent concedes key role in set-up, running of terrorist training camp (The Globe and Mail)

Auch in Kanada gibt es einen akuten Mangel an islamistischen Terroristen. Also half der Staat in Form von Agents Provocateurs nach. Die auch in Kanada verabschiedeten Anti-Terrorgesetze brauchen nämlich Werbung. Und diese Werbung und damit die Akzeptanzerhöhung für den einhergehenden Abbau von Bürgerrechten erreichen Geheimdienste am besten, wenn man vorzuführen versucht, dass Anti-Terrorgesetze nötig seien.


Calling Mr. Shaikh an "agent provocateur" they suggested that, in the cause of fighting terrorism, he committed terrorist offences himself.

Ten adults have yet to face trial in the 2006 conspiracy, whose key elements now notoriously involve a winter training camp, an alleged bomb plot and some chatter by would-be jihadists about storming Parliament and beheading politicians. [...]

The defence has argued this week that without Mubin Shaikh, there would have been no terrorist conspiracy.

The young man's lawyers called Mr. Shaikh this week to recap his work infiltrating a group of young extremists, first as a CSIS informant, but ultimately as a police agent. Posing as a committed jihadist, he gave the group tips on countersurveillance, led paramilitary training exercises, and even bought a rifle for a ringleader (before getting rid of it, unfired). [...]

Mitchell Chernovsky, the lawyer for the defendant, now 21, plans to argue that the police agent committed more illegal acts than his client, found guilty of participating in terrorist training led by Mr. Shaikh. [...]

"Did you ever tell anyone clearly and unambiguously terrorism was wrong," he asked Mr. Shaikh.

The agent replied, "not so much." The voluble witness agreed he played his role "to the hilt," becoming a mentor, a role model and drill sergeant to young recruits. (Quelle:

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